Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Educational Resources

As educational resources continue to improve, so do the opportunities for students to learn. Web based educational activities on sites such as Knowledgebox and Learn to Read reach students at early ages. I feel that it is very important for students at young ages to become aquainted with programs like these. Granting students access to programs likes these allows them to improve in certain learning styles which they may be lacking in. More importantly it takes them out of the everyday textbook/lecture classroom.

Interactive activities on the computer and internet like these, gives students a chance to work together in a variety ways they may not be used to. I have always found it easier to learn when you are engaged in more hands on activities, which education web based resources provide. I am very impressed with resources like Discovery streaming. Younger students are very impressionable and by providing them for example with video footage of different events from history; it may be easier for students to remember through the images. As resources like these continue to improve we will see a variety of new resources which teachers can use. 

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